Follow Rose Marie Kinder
RoseMarie Kinder

“My name is Anna.  I waken sometimes to the sound of birds, wind, a voice, or for no reason I can determine.  Perhaps from longing, which is also why I sleep. I’m slow to wake, unsure which time I’m in. I do try to care for this house as always—want to care for it, because it’s my home, and dear to me—but I must learn again. I work at learning. I can see my son, speak with him, kiss his cheek, take his hand, and feel again that love I have for him. When he’s not my son, but the other, as now, I’m wary.”

The house offers more than the women bargained for: evil resides there; so does a possible guardian.

Just released.

Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other booksellers.